April 04, 2020By Sydney Moseley← Back to Blog

How to Balance School and Work

Balancing the overwhelming demands of both school and work is no easy feat. Unfortunately it’sa task that many students that attend community college must face. Although it can be challenging these tips are sure to help you gain balance in your life.

Good Time Management

In order to create balance in your personal and professional life you must know that time is precious, but before you decide how much time you devote to what tasks you must first know yourself. If you know that you work more efficiently in the morning grind out what must be done then or vice versa. If you know that you are too tired after work to complete even the smallest assignments, be sure to reserve time before your shift to get your work done. Sometimes sacrifices must be made, whether that be staying up later than normal or studying throughout the weekend. The next tip goes hand in hand with time management, so be sure to continue reading!


Organization is key to staying sane as a student. Planners are crucial for prioritizing what must get done throughout the week. Many of them include an hourly breakdown of the day, which can help greatly with time management. It’s so easy to miss due dates once we get caught up in daily life, but writing everything out on a calendar is sure to keep you prepared. Also, be sure to organize when it comes to your assignments and study materials as well. Instead of tossing papers and supplies in your bag once class ends, have a designated folder, notebook, or binder for each course.

Communicating Your Needs

It may be intimidating to speak to your boss, but if they know that you’re also a student they will most likely understand and make accommodations. It helps to inform them ahead of time of high stress times in the semester such as midterms, so they know that you will be taking time off work. If for some reason you find yourself in a situation where work is over demanding you may need to consider other employment options or working part-time. Everything is easier when you have a support system around you. Making friends in each of your classes can help you stay on top of things. From study groups to having someone reach out to in case you miss a lecture,communicate with those around you while making sure not to lean on anyone excessively.

Online Classes

Online classes can make going back to school so much easier while working full-time. Most online courses​ give students the flexibility to work when they can, not have to show up at a certain time in a physical location. Some ​online the flexibility to work when they can, not have to show up at a certain time in a physical location. Some ​online courses​ even offer self-paced classes, allowing students to start and stop when they need to. Be sure to look for online classes that will fit your learning style​. For example, my community college (Las Posit as College) offers hybrid classes that are online the majority of the time with in person classes only once a week.